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ERDDAP > info > BlackSea_BGC_model_organic_matter

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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL CDI String Climate Data Interface version 1.9.8 (
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Grid
attribute NC_GLOBAL CDO String Climate Data Operators version 1.9.8 (
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.6, COARDS, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultGraphQuery String Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon[last][0][0:last][0:last]
attribute NC_GLOBAL description String BGC organic matter
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 42.2954
attribute NC_GLOBAL file_name String
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 47.1052
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 40.6
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution double 0.02780000000000001
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 42.2954
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double 27.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution double 0.027800000000000002
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String Wed Feb 08 13:35:16 2023: cdo -L -z zip_9 -seltimestep,1,7 /nas/acar/DOORS_examples/
attribute NC_GLOBAL ibegin int 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String METU-IMS
attribute NC_GLOBAL jbegin int 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String bgc, carbon, chemistry, concentration, counter, data, deptht, dissolved, dissolved nutrients, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Silicate, iron, labile, large, large-size, matter, medium, medium-size, model, mole, mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water, nitrogen, nutrients, ocean, oceans, organic, phosphorus, pom, princeton, R1_c, R1_n, R1_p, R2_c, R3_c, R4_c, R4_f, R4_n, R4_p, R6_c, R6_f, R6_n, R6_p, R6_s, R8_c, R8_n, R8_p, R8_s, refractory, science, sea, seawater, semi, semi-labile, semi-refractory, silicate, size, small, small-size, statistics, time, time_counter, water
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The standard license for all data should be described here!!
attribute NC_GLOBAL name String BlackSea_1d_20160101_20160331
attribute NC_GLOBAL ni int 544
attribute NC_GLOBAL nj int 2
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 47.1052
attribute NC_GLOBAL production String An IPSL model
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 40.6
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String BGC organic matter.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2016-01-07T12:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2016-01-01T12:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL TimeStamp String 02/05/2022 13:50:09 +0300
attribute NC_GLOBAL timeStamp String 2022-May-01 15:38:50 +03
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Test Black Sea biogeochemical model output: organic matter
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double 27.2
dimension time   double nValues=2, evenlySpaced=true, averageSpacing=6 days
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.4516496E9, 1.452168E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String gregorian
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time axis
attribute time source_name String time_counter
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
dimension depth   float nValues=61, evenlySpaced=false, averageSpacing=37.366262516666666
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth actual_range float 2.499249, 2244.475
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String Depth
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth source_name String deptht
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
dimension latitude   float nValues=235, evenlySpaced=true, averageSpacing=0.02780000000000001
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range float 40.6, 47.1052
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude source_name String y
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
dimension longitude   float nValues=544, evenlySpaced=true, averageSpacing=0.027800000000000002
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float 27.2, 42.2954
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude source_name String x
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon interval_write String 1 d
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon ioos_category String Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon long_name String labile dissolved organic matter carbon
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon online_operation String average
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon units String mg C/m^3
variable Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen interval_write String 1 d
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen long_name String labile dissolved organic matter nitrogen
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen online_operation String average
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_nitrogen units String MMol' 'N/M^3
variable Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus interval_write String 1 d
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus long_name String labile dissolved organic matter phosphorus
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus online_operation String average
attribute Labile_dissolved_organic_matter_phosphorus units String MMol' 'P/M^3
variable Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon interval_write String 1 d
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon ioos_category String Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon long_name String semi-labile dissolved organic matter carbon
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon online_operation String average
attribute Semi_labile_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon units String mg C/m^3
variable Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon interval_write String 1 d
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon ioos_category String Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon long_name String semi-refractory dissolved organic matter carbon
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon online_operation String average
attribute Semi_refractory_dissolved_organic_matter_carbon units String mg C/m^3
variable Small_size_pom_carbon   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon interval_write String 1 d
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon ioos_category String Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon long_name String small-size pom carbon
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon online_operation String average
attribute Small_size_pom_carbon units String mg C/m^3
variable Small_size_pom_nitrogen   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen interval_write String 1 d
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen long_name String small-size pom nitrogen
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen online_operation String average
attribute Small_size_pom_nitrogen units String MMol' 'N/M^3
variable Small_size_pom_phosphorus   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus interval_write String 1 d
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus long_name String small-size pom phosphorus
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus online_operation String average
attribute Small_size_pom_phosphorus units String MMol' 'P/M^3
variable Small_size_pom_iron   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Small_size_pom_iron _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Small_size_pom_iron cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Small_size_pom_iron interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Small_size_pom_iron interval_write String 1 d
attribute Small_size_pom_iron ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Small_size_pom_iron long_name String small-size pom iron
attribute Small_size_pom_iron missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Small_size_pom_iron online_operation String average
attribute Small_size_pom_iron units String umol Fe/m^3
variable Medium_size_pom_carbon   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon interval_write String 1 d
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon ioos_category String Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon long_name String medium-size pom carbon
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon online_operation String average
attribute Medium_size_pom_carbon units String mg C/m^3
variable Medium_size_pom_nitrogen   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen interval_write String 1 d
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen long_name String medium-size pom nitrogen
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen online_operation String average
attribute Medium_size_pom_nitrogen units String MMol' 'N/M^3
variable Medium_size_pom_phosphorus   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus interval_write String 1 d
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus long_name String medium-size pom phosphorus
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus online_operation String average
attribute Medium_size_pom_phosphorus units String MMol' 'P/M^3
variable Medium_size_pom_silicate   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate interval_write String 1 d
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate long_name String medium-size pom silicate
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate online_operation String average
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate standard_name String mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water
attribute Medium_size_pom_silicate units String MMol' 'Si/M^3
variable Medium_size_pom_iron   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron interval_write String 1 d
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron long_name String medium-size pom iron
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron online_operation String average
attribute Medium_size_pom_iron units String umol Fe/m^3
variable Large_size_pom_carbon   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon interval_write String 1 d
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon ioos_category String Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon long_name String large-size pom carbon
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon online_operation String average
attribute Large_size_pom_carbon units String mg C/m^3
variable Large_size_pom_nitrogen   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen interval_write String 1 d
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen long_name String large-size pom nitrogen
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen online_operation String average
attribute Large_size_pom_nitrogen units String MMol' 'N/M^3
variable Large_size_pom_phosphorus   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus interval_write String 1 d
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus long_name String large-size pom phosphorus
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus online_operation String average
attribute Large_size_pom_phosphorus units String MMol' 'P/M^3
variable Large_size_pom_silicate   float time, depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate _FillValue float -2.0E20
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate cell_methods String time: mean (interval: 360 s)
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate interval_operation String 360 s
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate interval_write String 1 d
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate long_name String large-size pom silicate
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate missing_value float -2.0E20
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate online_operation String average
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate standard_name String mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water
attribute Large_size_pom_silicate units String MMol' 'Si/M^3

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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